Express Pd: GALORE
Express Pd Galore - The Amiga PD & Shareware CD (1994)(Express Pd)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso
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BASIC Source File
469 lines
0 scnclr
1 y%=5 : rem Cardfile.bas
2 rgb 7,8,6,4
3 rgb 15,8,6,4
4 rgb 2,2,8,5
5 rgb 0,2,8,5
6 audio 15,1
7 screen 0,4
10 dim dm$(12),f$(9),m$(7),mi(8),sm$(18),y$(2700),yn$(1),z$(9)
20 e$=chr$(27):g$=chr$(7)
30 re$=chr$(10):sp$=chr$(32):ft=0:rt=0
40 yn$(0)="N":yn$(1)="Y":lm=1:sp=1:pf=0
50 hf=1:for i=1 to 7:read m$(i):next i
60 mi(0)=1:for i=1 to 7:read t:mi(i+1)=mi(i)+t
70 for j=mi(i) to mi(i+1)-1:read sm$(j):next j,i
80 for i=0 to 2:read dm$(i):next i
90 bl$=sp$:for i=1 to 36:bl$=bl$+sp$
100 l$=l$+chr$(61):next i:scnclr
105 goto 12000
110 pena 0:box(0,0;300,200),1:gosub 2400
115 on error goto 0
120 s%=sound(15,0,50,64,220)
130 '
131 pena 0:box(0,24;300,149),1
140 r$="Home Information Manager":gosub 2720
145 box(0,24;300,149),1
150 for i=1 to 6
160 ?tab(1);"<";i;"> ";m$(i);re$:next i
170 ?tab(5);"Selection -->";
180 a$="6":gosub 2300:ms=val(k$)
190 if k$=e$ then ms=7
200 if (ms <>3 and ms<>4) or rt>0 then 230
210 gosub 2700:?" No Cards Present."
220 gosub 2100:goto 110
230 on ms goto 240,560,900,1020,1340,1390,1890
240 FL=29:GOSUB 3000:if k$=e$ then 130
250 A$=STR$(FT):IF SE>2 OR RT<1 THEN 270
260 GOSUB 2710:GOSUB 2500:if K$=E$ then 240
265 rt=0
270 IF FT=0 AND SE>1 THEN 440
275 q=2
280 ON SE GOTO 290,370,460,530
290 GOSUB 3100:IF FT<9 THEN 320
300 ?"A Card has Only 9 Lines!"
310 GOSUB 2100:GOTO 240
320 FT=FT+1:C=FT
325 y%=5+ft
330 H$="Line "+STR$(C)+":":T$=""
340 GOSUB 6000:IF K$=E$ THEN FT=FT-1:GOTO 540
350 F$(FT)=T$:IF FT<9 THEN 290
360 gosub 3100:goto 310
370 GOSUB 3100:IF FT<1 THEN 450
380 A$=STR$(FT)
390 ?"Which Line do you Want to Delete? ";
400 gosub 2300:if k$=e$ then 540
410 c=val(k$):if c=ft then 430
420 for i=c to ft-1:f$(i)=f$(i+1):next i
430 ft=ft-1:if ft>0 then 370
440 gosub 2710
450 ?" No Lines Present.":gosub 2100:goto 540
460 gosub 3100
470 ?"Change the Name of Which Line #? ";
480 gosub 2300:if k$=e$ then 240
490 ?k$:c=val(k$)
500 h$="Line "+str$(c)+":":t$=f$(c)
505 y%=12
510 gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 460
520 f$(c)=t$:goto 460
530 gosub 3100:goto 240
540 max=0:if ft>0 then max=int(2700/ft)
550 goto 240
560 y%=5:q=1:w$=e$:if ft>0 then 590
570 gosub 2700:?"You Must ";m$(1);" (option 1"
580 ?"on Main Menu) First.":gosub 2100:goto 110
590 if rt=max then gosub 2700:goto 650
600 gosub 3000:if k$=e$ then 110
610 gosub 2710:fl=38:if se=2 then 760
620 gosub 2600
630 rt=rt+1:if rt<max+1 then 660
640 rt=max
650 ?g$;dm$(2):gosub 2100:goto 110
660 ?at(15,4);"Card ";rt
670 c=rt:for l=1 to ft:gosub 3200
675 y%=y%+q
680 if k$<>e$ then y$(t)=t$:goto 700
690 l=ft:rt=rt-1
700 next L:if k$=e$ then 600
710 ?l$:?dm$(0)
720 ?at(1,20);"Cards Used: ";rt
730 ?at(1,21);"Cards Left: ";max-rt;sp$;
740 gosub 2200:on k$=sp$ goto 620:goto 130
750 gosub 2710:if rt=max then 650
760 h$="Insert Before Which Card #?":t$=""
765 y%=5
770 fl=39:gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 600
780 gosub 2710
790 c=val(t$):if c>0 and c<rt+1 then 810
800 ?g$;dm$(1):gosub 2100:goto 590
810 ?tab(10);"New Card ";c
815 y%=5:q=1
820 y%=y%+q:for l=1 to ft:gosub 3200
825 y%=y%+q
830 if k$=e$ then L=ft:goto 850
840 z$(L)=t$
850 next L:if k$=e$ then 600
860 for j=rt*ft to (c-1)*ft+1 step -1
870 y$(j+ft)=y$(j):next j:rt=rt+1
880 for j=1 to ft:y$((c-1)*ft+j)=z$(j):next j
890 goto 750
900 f=-1
910 gosub 3000:if k$=e$ then 110
920 gosub 2710:if se =2 then 1010
925 box(0,24;300,159),1
930 h$="Start with Which Card?":t$="":fl=32
935 y%=5
940 gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 910
950 v=val(t$):if v>0 and v<rt+1 then 970
960 ?at(0,10);l$:?dm$(1):gosub 2100:goto 910
970 gosub 3900:j=v
980 w$="":gosub 4000:if w$=e$ then 910
990 j=j+1:if j<rt+1 then 980
1000 box(0,0;300,175),1:?dm$(2):gosub 2100:goto 910
1010 gosub 5000:goto 910
1020 ra$=" (1-"+str$(rt)+")?"
1030 fl=6:gosub 3000:if k$=e$ then 110
1040 gosub 2710:on se goto 1050,1080,1130,1140,1150
1050 ?"Print which Card #";ra$
1055 y%=6
1060 gosub 3700:if rf then 1030
1070 r1=t:r2=t:gosub 3800:goto 1020
1080 ?"Start with which Card #";ra$
1085 y%=6
1090 gosub 3700:r1=t:if rf then 1030
1100 ?"Stop with which Card #";ra$
1105 y%=9
1110 gosub 3700:r2=t:if (rf) or r2<r1 then 1030
1120 gosub 3800:goto 1020
1130 r1=1:r2=rt:gosub 3800:goto 1020
1140 gosub 5000:goto 1020
1150 fl=37:h$="Left Margin (0-40):"
1155 y%=5
1160 t$=str$(lm)
1170 gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 1020
1180 lm=val(t$):if lm> -1 and lm < 41 then 1210
1190 lm=1:?at(0,4);bl$
1200 ?at(1,4);:goto 1160
1210 h$="Blank Lines Between Cards (0-66):"
1215 y%=6
1220 t$=str$(sp)
1230 gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 1020
1240 sp=val(t$):if sp > -1 and sp < 67 then 1270
1250 sp=0:?at(0,5);bl$
1260 ?at(1,5);:goto 1220
1270 h$="Pause after each Card (Y/N):":t$=yn$(pf)
1275 y%=7
1280 gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 1020
1290 pf=(Left$(t$,1) = "Y")
1300 h$="Print Line Names (Y/N):":t$=yn$(hf)
1305 y%=8
1310 gosub 6000:if k$=e$ then 1020
1320 hf=(left$(t$,1) = "Y")
1330 ?l$:gosub 2100:goto 1020
1340 gosub 2700:on error goto 1370
1350 box(0,24;300,149),1
1360 ?: dir
1370 ?l$:gosub 2400:gosub 2100
1380 on error goto 0:goto 110
1383 box(0,0;300,200),1
1385 goto 110
1390 fl=35:box(0,24;300,149),1
1395 y%=5
1400 gosub 3000: if k$=e$ then 110
1405 gosub 2400
1410 gosub 2710
1420 if se <> 2 or rt < 1 then 1440
1430 gosub 2500:box(0,24;300,139),1:if k$=e$ then 1400
1440 t$="":if se =1 then h$="Store under What Name?"
1450 if se=2 then h$="Get which Filebox?"
1460 if se=3 then h$="Remove which Filebox?"
1470 gosub 6000:if t$="" or k$=e$ then 1400
1480 if val(t$)<>0 or asc(t$) =48 then 1400
1485 che$=t$
1490 t$=t$+".him":box(0,25;300,149),1:on error goto 1510
1500 on se goto 1640,1790,1620
1510 '
1520 box(0,24;300,149),1
1530 close:?g$;
1535 er=err
1540 '
1550 if er=57 then ?"Disk I/O Error"
1560 if er=53 then ?"Filebox Not on This Disk"
1570 '
1580 if er=221 then ?"Sorry, this Disk is Full"
1600 close:?l$:gosub 2400:gosub 2100:resume 1400
1610 on error goto 0
1612 gosub 2400
1615 sleep 1*10^6:goto 1400
1620 scratch t$
1630 gosub 2400:goto 1610
1640 on error goto 0
1641 on error goto 14000
1650 open "i",#1,t$
1670 close :?g$;"That Filebox Already Exists"
1680 ?"Press <space bar> to Replace It."
1690 gosub 2400:gosub 2200:if k$=e$ then 1610
1700 box(0,24;300,149),1:scratch t$
1710 close #1:open "O",#1,t$
1720 cmd 1
1730 ?"FILEBOX":?ft:?rt
1740 ?lm:?sp:?pf:?hf
1750 for j=1 to ft:?f$(j)
1760 next j:if rt=0 then 1780
1770 for j=1 to rt*ft:?y$(j):next j
1780 cmd 0:close #1:on error goto 0:gosub 13000:gosub 2400:goto 1610
1790 open "i",#1,t$
1800 close:open "I",#1,t$
1810 '
1815 if lof(1) < 5 then er=53:goto 1530
1820 input#1, c$:if c$ <> "FILEBOX" then er=53:goto 1530
1830 input#1, ft,rt,lm,sp,pf,hf
1840 for j=1 to ft:line input#1, f$(j):next j:if rt=0 then 1860
1850 for j=1 to rt*ft:line input#1, y$(j):next j
1860 max=0:if ft>0 then max=int(2700/ft)
1870 cmd 0:close
1880 ?"Filebox is Now in Memory":getkey xr$:goto 110
1890 gosub 3000:if se=1 or k$=e$ then 110
1900 scnclr:end
2000 getkey k$:return
2100 gosub 2000: if k$<>e$ then 2100:return
2200 gosub 2000:if k$<>e$ and k$<>sp$ then 2200
2210 return
2300 getkey k$:?k$
2310 if k$ <> e$ and (k$ < "0" or k$ > a$) then 2300
2320 return
2400 ?at(0,23);l$
2405 s%=sound(15,0,30,64,582)
2410 ?at(10,24);"Press <Esc> to Exit";
2415 '?at(0,0);l$:?re$;l$
2420 return
2500 ?"Warning Use of this Option will Erase"
2510 ?"contents of All Cards from Memory."
2520 ?:?dm$(0):gosub 2200:return
2600 box(0,0;300,139),1:?at(0,0);:return
2700 box(0,0;300,151),1:r$=m$(ms):goto 2720
2710 box(0,24;300,151),1:r$=sm$(mi(ms)+se-1)
2720 ?at(0,0);l$:?re$;l$:?at(0,2);bl$:print at(0,2);
2730 ?spc((40-len(r$))/2);r$:?at(0,4):return
3000 gosub 2400:box(0,20;300,167),1:gosub 2700:?:for i=mi(ms) to mi(ms+1)-1
3010 ?tab(3);"<"i-mi(ms)+1"> "sm$(i)
3020 ?:next i:a$=str$(mi(ms+1)-mi(ms))
3030 ?:?tab(9)"Selection -->";
3040 gosub 2300:se=val(k$):return
3100 gosub 2710:if ft<1 then return
3110 ?"LIne";0;": All Lines"
3115 for i=1 to ft
3120 ?"Line";I;": ";f$(i):next i
3125 if ft>1 then q=1
3128 y%=y%+q
3130 ?L$:if ms=3 or ms=4 then return
3140 if se=4 then gosub 2100
3150 return
3200 t=(c-1)*ft+l:h$=f$(l)+":":t$=""
3210 if w$="C" then t$=y$(t)
3220 gosub 6000:return
3300 w$="":?tab(lm+15);"Card ";j
3310 for z=1 to ft:t$="":if hf then t$=f$(z)+": "
3320 ?tab(lm);t$;y$((j-1)*ft+z)
3330 get w$:if w$=e$ then z=ft:j=r2
3340 next z:if w$=e$ then return
3350 if sp=0 then 3370
3360 for z=1 to sp:?:next z
3370 gosub 2600:if pf=0 then return
3380 close #2:cmd 0:?dm$(0):gosub 2200
3390 open "O",#2,"prt:":if k$=sp$ then return
3400 j=r2:return
3500 ?at(15,0);"Card ";j:?l$
3505 s%=sound(15,0,20,64,320)
3510 for z=1 to ft:?f$(z);" : ";y$((j-1)*ft+z)
3520 next z:?l$:return
3600 ?"Press <space> When Printer Ready"
3610 gosub 2200:return
3700 rf=1:h$="?":t$="":gosub 6000:?l$
3710 if k$=e$ or t$="" then return
3720 t=val(t$):if t>0 and t<=rt then rf=0:return
3730 ?g$;dm$(1):?l$
3740 gosub 2100:return
3800 gosub 3600:if k$=e$ then return
3810 open "O",#2,"prt:":cmd 2
3820 for j=r1 to r2:gosub 3300
3830 next j:cmd 0:close #2:return
3900 ?at(0,19);
3910 ?"Press <C> to Change this Card "
3920 ?"Press <P> to Print Card"
3930 ?"Press <R> to Remove It, or "
3940 ?"Press<space bar>to Move to Next Card.":return
4000 gosub 2600:gosub 3500
4010 gosub 2000:if k$=e$ then w$=e$:j=rt:return
4020 if k$=sp$ then return
4030 if k$="C" or k$="c" then 4110
4035 if k$="R" or k$="r" then 4170
4040 if k$="P" or k$="p" then 4050
4045 goto 4010
4050 box(0,24;300,139),1
4060 if f then gosub 3600:if k$=e$ then 4100
4070 f=0:?"Now Printing Card ";j
4080 open "O",#2,"prt:":cmd 2
4090 gosub 3300:cmd 0:close #2
4100 j=j-1:gosub 3900:return
4110 box(0,0;300,139),1:gosub 2710
4115 q=1:y%=6
4120 fl=39:?tab(15);"Card ";j
4130 c=j:w$="C":for l=1 to ft:gosub 3200
4135 y%=y%+1
4140 if k$=e$ then l=ft:goto 4160
4150 y$(t)=t$
4160 next l:j=j-1:gosub 3900:return
4170 box(0,24;300,139),1:gosub 3500
4180 ?"Press <space> to Remove This Card";
4190 gosub 2200:gosub 3900:if k$=e$ then j=j-1:return
4200 if j=rt then 4230
4210 for z=(j-1)*ft+1 to (rt-1)*ft
4220 y$(z)=y$(z+ft):next z
4230 rt=rt-1:j=j-1:return
5000 gosub 3110:a$=str$(ft)
5010 w$="":?"Select Cards by Which Line?";
5020 gosub 2300:if k$=e$ then return
5030 v=val(k$):gosub 2600
5032 bb=1
5035 if v=0 then bb=v:v=1
5040 y%=2:?"What Text to Search For?"
5050 fl=38:h$="?":t$="":gosub 6000
5060 if k$=e$ or t$="" then return
5070 box(0,24;300,139),1:?
5080 ?tab(5);"<1> Match from Begin or Line"
5090 ?re$;tab(5);"<2> Search Whole Line":?
5100 a$="2":?tab(9);"Selection -->";
5110 gosub 2300:if k$=e$ then return
5120 sf=0:sr$=t$:ls=len(sr$)
5130 j=1:if k$="2" then 5215
5140 box(0,0;300,139),1
5150 ?at(0,10);"Checking Card ";j
5160 if sr$ <> left$(y$((j-1)*ft+v),ls) then 5180
5170 sf=1:w$="":gosub 3900:gosub 4000:box(0,24;300,139),1
5180 get x$
5190 if w$=e$ or x$=e$ then return
5195 if bb=0 then v=v+1:if v<= ft then 5150
5200 j=j+1:if j<= rt then 5150
5210 goto 5330
5215 box(0,0;300,139),1
5220 z$=y$((j-1)*ft+v):lz=len(z$)
5230 ?at(0,10);"Checking Card ";j;" line ";v
5240 if z$="" then 5320
5250 for w=1 to lz-ls+1
5260 if sr$ <> Mid$(z$,w,ls) then 5280
5270 w=256:sf=1:w$="":gosub 3900:gosub 4000:box(0,0;300,139),1
5280 get x$
5290 if w$=e$ or x$=e$ then w=300
5300 next w
5310 if w$=e$ or (x$=e$ and k$<>e$) then return
5315 if bb=0 then v=v+1: if v<=ft then 5220 else v=1
5320 j=j+1:if j<rt+1 then 5220
5330 box(0,0;300,139),1:if sf<1 then 5350
5340 ?"No More Cards Match":gosub 2100:return
5350 ?"No Cards Match":gosub 2100:return
6000 ?at(0,y%);h$;:x%=pos(0)
6010 pc=2:t$=sp$+t$
6020 ?at(x%+1,y%);t$;
6030 ?at(x%+pc,y%);"";
6040 line input;k$
6042 if (w$="C" or w$="c") and len(k$)=0 then t$=y$(t):goto 6160
6044 if len(k$)=0 then k$=e$
6045 goto 6150
6050 if asc(kk$)<>155 and k > 31 then 6120
6060 er=(k=13)+(k=27):if er then 6150
6070 cu=(k=67)-(k=8):if k=4 then 6110
6080 if cu=0 then 6030
6090 pc=pc+cu:pc=pc+(pc<2)-(pc>len(t$)+1)
6100 goto 6030
6110 t$=left$(t$,pc-1)+mid$(t$,pc+1,len(t$)):goto 6020
6120 if len(t$) > fl-x%-1 then 6040
6130 t$=left$(t$,pc-1)+k$+mid$(t$,pc,len(t$))
6140 pc=pc+1:goto 6020
6150 t$=k$
6160 ?at(x%+2,y%);t$;sp$
6170 return
7000 DATA Design Card Format, Add Card(s)
7010 data Display/Change/Remove Card(s),Print Card(s)
7020 data List All Files on Disk
7030 data Get New/Store/Remove Filebox,Quit
7040 data 4,Add New Lines,Delete Lines
7050 data Change Names of Lines,Display Card Format
7060 data 2,Add at End,Insert Before End
7070 data 2,Look at Cards Consecutively
7080 data Work with Selected Card(s)
7090 data 5,Print One Card,Print a Range of Cards
7100 data Print All Cards,Print Selected Card(s)
7110 data Change Printer Options,1,Disk
7120 data 3,Store This Filebox on Disk
7130 data Get a Filebox from Disk
7140 data Remove a File from Disk
7150 data 2,Return to Main Menu,Quit
8000 data "Press <space bar> to continue."
8010 data No Such Card!,No More Cards
10000 scnclr
10010 rgb 4,12,1,1
10020 rgb 14,1,3,6
10030 peno 1
10040 outline 1
10050 graphic(1)
10060 x=144:y=24
10070 for num =1 to 7
10080 pena 13
10090 area(x,y to x+60,y to x+60,y-10 to x+140,y-10 to x+150,y to x+150,y+60 to x,y+60)
10100 pena 4:penb 13
10105 draw(x+140,y-10 to x+140,y to x+150,y)
10110 ?at(x+62,y-2);fa$(num)
10120 pena 14
10130 ?at(x+1,y+8);num
10140 x=x-16:y=y+16
10150 next
10160 z=2
10170 pena z mod 2:penb 0
10172 xx%=z*100
10174 if xx% > 800 then xx%=200:z=2
10175 s%=sound(15,0,20,64,xx%)
10176 audio 15,1
10180 ?at(10,10);"Select Folder # ?";:get ke$:if ke$ = "" then z=z+1 :pena z mod 2:sleep .4*10^6:goto 10170
10190 t$=fa$(val(ke$)):graphic(0)
10195 outline 0
10200 rgb 0,10,7,2
10210 rgb 2,10,7,2
10290 on error goto 11000
10300 t$=t$+".him"
10310 open "i",#1,t$
10320 input#1, c$:if c$<>"FILEBOX" then er=53:goto 1530
10330 input#1, ft,rt,lm,sp,fp,hf
10340 for j=1 to ft:input#1,f$(j):next j:if rt=0 then 10360
10350 for j=1 to rt*ft:input#1,y$(j):next j
10360 max=0:if ft>0 then max=int(2700/ft)
10370 close #1
10375 graphic(0)
10380 ?"Filebox is Now in Memory":?"Press a key ":getkey xr$
11000 if err=53 then graphic(0):resume 110
11100 goto 110
12000 'on error goto 13000
12010 open "i",#3,"Index.him"
12030 for j=1 to 7
12040 input#3,fa$(j)
12060 next j:close #3
12065 on error goto 0
12070 goto 10000
13000 close
13010 open "o",#3,"Index.him"
13020 p$(1)="Address"
13030 ?#3,p$(1)
13050 for j=2 to 7
13060 p$(J)=fa$(j)
13070 next j
13080 if se=1 then p$(val(ke$))=che$
13090 for j=2 to 7
13100 ?#3,p$(j)
13110 next j
13115 close #3
13120 return
14000 resume 1710